Civil Engineering
Basaveshwar Engineering College (Autonomous)
civil engineering
Selected for the reimbursement of Travel Grant for participation in International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology (Bio-Tech 2019)ā€¯ held during 21-22 February 2019 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, DBT-CTEP, Biotech Consortium India Limited, Delhi.
For Degradation of Triclosan from Domestic Wastewater by Biosurfactant Produced from Bacillus licheniformisā€¯ in the Third International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2018) Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) and International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability held during 18-21 December 2018 at IIT Roorkee, India honored by Springer
Awarded the Best Project in Civil Engineering Department of Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Puttur during 2013-2014
Selected for the reimbursement of Travel Grant for participation in International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology (Bio-Tech 2019)ā€¯ held during 21-22 February 2019 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, DBT-CTEP, Biotech Consortium India Limited, Delhi.
For Degradation of Triclosan from Domestic Wastewater by Biosurfactant Produced from Bacillus licheniformisā€¯ in the Third International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2018) Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) and International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability held during 18-21 December 2018 at IIT Roorkee, India honored by Springer
Awarded the Best Project in Civil Engineering Department of Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Puttur during 2013-2014